What options are there for undergraduate students to get involved in extra curricular activities?

Students in PAU's undergraduate programs have many opportunities to participate in the larger community.

Whether enrolled in on-campus or online programs, students are encouraged to get involved. Actively participating in student life enhances learning, creates friendships and builds professional relationships. There are many options for students to get involved in social, service learning, and academic activities.

Academic Support

PAU provides students with resources to excel academically:

  • Annual orientations to help students get on their feet quickly and effectively.
  • Video conferences in online classes that build strong relationships with instructors and members of their cohort.
  • Faculty advisors who help students succeed and get support when they need it.
  • Regularly scheduled social events with program directors and faculty to facilitate strong connections.

Career Talks and Professional Speaker Series

Experts in psychology and business disciplines are regularly invited to present talks in their areas of expertise. Recent topics have included international consulting, resume writing and job search tips, careers in forensic psychology, susceptibility to hypnosis, positive psychology, the psychology of terrorists and terrorism, and the adolescent brain.

Social Activities

PAU sponsors large scale events and intimate gatherings, including a research forum, an annual gala, lunch-and-learn networking sessions with industry professionals, and more. These provide opportunities for students to meet faculty and students outside of their program. After students graduate they become part of the PAU Alumni Association.

Student Government

The Undergraduate Student Council offers leadership opportunities for interested students.

Student Organizations

More than 20 university-wide student organizations welcome students to join, such as:

  • Students for Ethnic and Cultural Awareness
  • PAU Running Group
  • Healing, Spirituality, and Social Action Group
  • Student Parent Association
  • Student Veteran Organization
  • and many more!

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