Transfer Credits for Graduate Coursework
Students may request to transfer in up to 32 quarter or 21.5 semester units of prior graduate social work coursework. Only courses for which the student obtained a grade of ‘B’ or better or ‘Pass’ in the case of Pass/Fail courses will be considered for transfer, and courses must have been completed within 10 years prior to the time of matriculation at PAU. Required and elective courses may be transferred provided that the course has an equivalence in PAU’s MSW program (i.e., the courses cover the same topic and course objectives and have similar content). However, the MSW program only accepts field education and practice course transfer credits if they are from other CSWE-accredited or candidacy social work programs. The MSW program does not guarantee acceptance of transfer units. Any potential transfer credits must be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the MSW program. Grade points earned in the courses that are approved for social work transfer credit are not counted in the student’s PAU grade point average.
For students who are admitted as part of a BA-to-MSW pathway agreement, the same credit transfer policy applies except that up to 21.5 units may be transferred (five MSW generalist core courses for 13 quarter units and seven generalist licensing courses for 8.5 quarter units).
Course Waivers for Students with Baccalaureate Social Work Degrees
Applicants who have a baccalaureate social work degree from a CSWE-accredited baccalaureate social work program may request waiver of generalist courses other than practice and field education courses because they have achieved the content at the baccalaureate level. These applicants include those who were not admitted to Advanced Standing or did not apply either by choice or because they did not meet the eligibility requirements to apply.
Refer to Transfer Credit Policy on this page.