What are the senior internship requirements?

Students in the BS Psychology and Social Action program are required to complete a nine-month senior internship as part of their studies. The internship gives students experience with the practical applications of psychology and social action and helps them explore career options.

Students interested in research have the opportunity to intern as a research assistant with professors actively engaged in psychological research. Students who prefer to work in a community agency, clinical setting or other social action setting intern in local community agencies and organizations.

Senior interns will earn academic credit toward graduation. They work approximately eight hours per week at their internship site, while also completing required senior course work. Students already employed in social service settings may be able to do their internship at their place of employment with the approval of their faculty advisor.

At their internship sites, students are supervised by a professional member of the agency staff. They are also mentored by a PAU professor, who helps them integrate their internship experiences with their coursework.

Internship sites may include community mental health centers, schools, community service agencies, nonprofit organizations, or other similar settings. Organizations at which PAU students have interned include:

  • Alameda Police Department
  • Bill Wilson Center
  • Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula
  • Catholic Charities
  • Children's Health Council
  • County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency
  • Family Matters In-Home Care, LLC
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Salvation Army
  • Santa Clara County Social Services
  • Service League of San Mateo County
  • Silicon Valley Animal Shelter
  • Social Media Marketing University
  • Stanford University School of Medicine – Research Assistance
  • Target Specialty Products
  • Trumpet Behavioral Health
  • Ujima Adult and Family Services, Inc.