What are the available student services for MS students?

Faculty Advisors

All students in the MS in Psychology program are assigned an academic advisor upon entry into the program. The primary role of the advisor is to assist with academic planning and to provide guidance on any personal or interpersonal issues that may arise. Because learning online can present unique challenges, academic advisors also serve as online success coaches, checking in with students monthly by phone, email, or both. The first meeting with an advisor is in an online video chat format. PhD Prep Concentration students and advisors meet face to face during the one-week intensive course at the PAU campus in Palo Alto. Throughout the program, students also have quarterly meetings to ensure that all their needs are being addressed. Students are strongly encouraged to be proactive and contact their advisors as soon as they have questions or if any difficulties arise.

At the beginning of the program, all students attend an orientation via web conference to ensure that everyone starts out on the same page with respect to academic expectations, online learning formats, available services, where to turn when needing assistance, etc.

Student Assistant Advisor

A student advisor is available for help, support, and proctoring. The student advisor is a PhD student who has successfully completed the MS in Psychology program online.

Student Feedback

Students are required to submit written evaluations of all courses each quarter. This informs the PAU faculty and administration of our strengths and weaknesses as we strive to deliver the best possible program.

Video Conferencing Orientation and Advising Sessions

A live orientation is available and required before courses start. In addition, the Student Assistant Advisor and the program director schedule quarterly video conferences. Moreover, the program director is available throughout the program for individual academic advising sessions.

Academic Resources and Administrative Support

Whether enrolled in an on-campus or online program, all students are members of the PAU community and have access to the full range of student services, including:

  • Research Library
  • Office of Student Services
  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Student Organizations