How can I make a request for CE sponsorship?

CONCEPT, PAU's Continuing and Professional Studies department offers CE Underwriting services for a fee.


Once your organization has secured a speaker/presenter/trainer, please Submit a request here. Our team will review it and contact the primary point of contact. 

To maintain our status as an approved provider, we require the following information from your organization before CE underwriting:

  • A CV for each presenter
  • The Outline/ Agenda / Schedule of Event for your event
  • A brief description of the conference, workshop, or event
  • A description of the target audience
  • Learning Objectives for each presentation
  • Program/Workshop content & materials, including but not limited to PowerPoint slides, articles, handouts, presenter notes, case studies, manuals, books, or any other supplement materials
  • Bibliography / Reference list of materials relied on for each presentation
  • The participants completed the evaluation form(s) after completing the workshop/ conference.
  • Copy of the attendance sheets) noting the participant's name, email, and profession
  • Copies of all promotional materials and links to any online promotional web pages (See Promotional & Advertising Guidelines)

We will review all documentation and provide you with an Evaluation Form and Attendance Sheets for the training. The Evaluation Form includes required information to assess the degree to which learning objectives and training goals were met.

Submit a request here